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B​unk the Chipmunk's Quarantine Story


Bunk the Chipmunk had a hard time adjusting to quarantine, but since he got the hang of it, he is here to give us some advice. He tells us about life in the forest in these hard times and reminds children to stay clean and keep their distance.


In extraordinary times like these, children can be easily confused and misled. That is why Bunk the Chipmunk’s Quarantine Story aims to help them understand the virus and deal with quarantine in a fun way. The story will remind them of the essential things every one of us must do, as well as give them ideas about coping with quarantine.


Bunk the Chipmunk’s Quarantine Story is a children’s poem that tells the story of a friendly chipmunk quarantined at home during the current pandemic, and gives advice on how to navigate this quarantine successfully to be happy, do well in school, and find happiness even during this stressful and confusing time.


This is a beautiful poem for younger children. With its short and rhyming cadence, it can be easily followed by your child.


Press Release

The author’s mastery of the rhyming lyrics will certainly appeal to children – and to the parents who are reading this book out loud to them. This book can be a wonderful tool for parents to discuss a child’s emotions about the difficulties of necessary changes in their daily lives. While some information may have changed in the past few months, such as the virus disappearing in the spring, this provides an opportunity for more discussion. The illustrations in this children’s book are stunning, especially Bunk’s home in a tree trunk. Him building an airplane, complete with a pilot’s outfit, may stimulate a child’s imagination. Author Victor Teran has crafted a captivating children’s book in Bunk the Chipmunk’s Quarantine Story. A beautiful way for parents of young children to assist them through these times!

Debra Lloyd




I loved the inspiring and optimistic message throughout Bunk the Chipmunk's Quarantine Story by Victor Teran. I imagine in these trying times, children of all ages will relate to the emotions felt by Bunk. There are many discussion points throughout, enhanced by colorful and vibrant illustrations, encouraging children to look at the quarantine period as an opportunity to try new hobbies and experiences. The suggestion for children to take the trash out as a way to get some fresh air was hilarious and a great idea. The constant reassurance that all will be fine in the future will be a fantastic comfort to young readers with explanations on how you can keep yourself safe with great illustrations on cleanliness. The fun rhyming style of the book is perfect for young children to read along with an adult. The final illustration was a perfect reminder that this is an issue everyone across the world is dealing with.

Lesley Jones



Victor Teran develops a funny and wise character. Bunk is an entertaining character who loves playing and going out in the forest. Though he now feels restrained, he has developed creative ways to remain active and productive in his home. The story is timely and helpful to young and adult readers as it contains amazing suggestions accessible to anyone. Its lyrical verses employ features such as rhyme which makes them fun to read aloud. I loved that the book is colorful and its illustrations focus on the main character which makes the story easy to follow, especially for young readers. Bunk the Chipmunk's Quarantine Story by Victor Teran is a delightful and imaginative story that teaches children how to utilize their time in quarantine.

Edith Wairimu


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